Thursday, 31 December 2015

Year of the Series

Book-wise this year was the year of the series for me.  Here’s my recap of series I started, continued, or read in entirety this year.

5 - Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon: I started reading the Outlander series at the beginning of the year after enjoying the sumptuous TV show last year.  I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, but found books 2 and 3 contained too many coincidences (to the point they became ridiculous and obvious).  Haven’t decided if I’ll continue with this, but the characters are appealing and I do want to know what happens to the daughter.  Maybe after a long break…

4 - Icebreaker series by Lian Tanner: I’ve read the first book in this series and have had the second book on my ‘to-read’ list ever since.  A girl who doesn’t belong to any of the tribes on the ship is cared for by mysterious mechanical rats.  Steam-punk without the steam.  Intriguing.

3 - Colours of Madeline trilogy by Jaclyn Moriarty: I read the first book a year or so ago and the second book this year.  Can’t wait for the third to come out.  A crack in a broken parking meter allows Madeline to communicate with a boy in the Kingdom of Cello.  A familiar trope leading to a unique land.  Brilliant.

2 - Obernewtyn chronicles by Isobel Carmody: I read the first book several years ago, but the release of The Red Queen this year prompted me to catch up on this brilliant series.  Knocked off books two and three in the past month.  There’s a map, there’s beast-speaking and far-seeking and other super-powers.  What more could you want?

1 - Chaos walking trilogy by Patrick Ness:  So good, I read the entire series in a month.  Check out my Chaos Walking blog post here.

Best wishes to all for a great year in 2016!

Addendum:  Totally forgot to include Ellie Marney's fabulous Every series.  Being crime (not my favourite genre), I'd have to slot it in behind Colours of Madeline, but well worth reading for the romance.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Negative to Positive

Someone at work taped up a sign above their desk that read: You only work here.  I pulled it down and taped up a sign that read: You are a valued part of a team.

More than ever, we are inundated with negativity: from TV, news, the inescapable internet, and increasingly often from other people who should know better.  At times, it's hard to rise above it, but I think we owe it to ourselves not to reinforce other people's negativity.  We all have bad days, we all make mistakes, we all get hurt.  This festive season, let's practice a little more kindness, a little more forgiveness, and do something to make someone else's outlook on life a little more positive.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.